Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yumminess from 14 Maple - Green Bean Casserole style!

So, being pregnant, I've found myself spending every spare moment I have in the kitchen. I want to cook and bake all the time. Since the urge to throw up in my soup pan has passed, I figure why not actually use it for soup (or Green Bean Casserole as the case my be)! My past few recipe adventures have been INCREDIBLE. I can't be sure that it's not because I'm pregnant, so you'll have to verify for me via comment on the next few recipes I post. I say this because I'm reminded of a pregnant Green Tomato Mincemeat incident with my sister. She ate SO MUCH of the concoction that I hadn't heard of in at least 20 years (my gram used to make it when we were REALLY young), that I was in awe. Later on we tried it again (I wasn't a huge fan), and her taste buds had completely changed! While pregnant, she couldn't get enough, but then after having my nephew, it was completely different. You'll have to let me know if my recipes are indeed delicious, or if my pregnancy is temporarily marring my judgment. I'd use my husband as a gauge, but he eats ANYTHING I put in front of him. He's of no use in this department! So, try away friends, and let me know what you think!

Green Bean Casserole (homemande)

1-2 Tablespoons flour
1/2 to 1 cup milk
2 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1 onion diced
1-2 cups mushrooms (depending upon preference...I prefer more mushrooms)
3 cups green beans cut into 2-3 inch pieces (fresh or frozen)
salt and pepper to taste
3/4-1 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar, but you can use what you prefer)
3/4-1 cup seasoned bread crumbs

If you used fresh green beans, cook in 2 cups broth until softened, reserving broth. If you used frozen than heat up.

Preheat oven to 350. Add onion to a medium-sized saucepan, and add enough broth to just slightly cover the onions. Cook until translucent, about 5 mins. Add mushrooms and cook down about 5 more minutes, pouring in more broth if necessary to keep onions and mushrooms covered. When vegetables are soft, add flour a Tablespoon at a time until fluid begins to thicken. Add more if necessary. Pour in the broth and milk, alternating between the two, and stirring in between. Wait until sauce thickens before continuing to add more fluid. Stop when you've reached desired amount. It's not necessary to add all the liquid. Add cooked green beans, salt and pepper to taste (at this point you may decide to add hot pepper flakes, hot sauce, srirachi, sambal, or any spice as you desire...I know I ALWAYS desire, but it's delicious enough without it too). Stir together, making any necessary adjustments you'd like (more broth for thinner sauce and more flour for thicker...if you choose to add more flour be sure to counter with more salt. Flour eats salt!). Pour into oven-safe dish. Top with shredded cheese and bread crumbs. Bake for about 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and top is golden brown.

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