Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting my hands dirty while soul searching for the perfect job

A classmate of mine truly opened my eyes tonight. I was commenting on her facebook status discussing our clinicals tomorrow, oh dreaded clinicals be damned. There was an exchange between her and another classmate talking about the clinicals for next semester. They were saying how they weren't looking forward to tomorrow, and I mistook their reasons to be because they hated going to the hospital as much as me. However, I was wrong. I did not have an ally in my hate, rather she felt completely opposite. She said she loved clinicals and going to the hospital, and in fact being there all day didn't bother her at all.


It got me thinking... Maybe my dislike (hate) may have less to do with the fact that I'm a poop-wiping virgin, and more to do with the fact that me and this job are not going to live happily ever after. I'm not giving my all to this degree. I do what I need to and then spend the rest of my time playing or doing anything other than school work. We were told to give something like 45 hours a week to this degree...yeah...that's NOT happening. It's so unlike me to disrespect education like this. I got thinking that maybe my desire to puke every morning prior to labs may not necessarily be related to morning sickness. I think I hate life right now. I'm contemplating taking next semester to finish up the last few classes I need to wrap up my Masters in Public Health. I called my mom after the realization that I didn't care if I have to stay home tomorrow with Giovanna because of her icky cough, which would result in my getting kicked out of the program. Of course I'll be more responsible than that, but it did open my eyes. I told her how much I hated wiping large, elderly butt, and how I dreaded that this would be the rest of my life...FOREVER. She told me she didn't think it was a good match when I first told her I was thinking about traveling down that path. REALLY!! That would have been AWESOME information THREE DIARREHEA-LADEN, FAT, ELDERLY BUTTS AGO!! I'm now picking up my life's lessons and continuing down my neverending path of self-discovery. My thought is, I might as well finish up my masters and get paid to do a job I don't love rather than spend money working towards a degree so at some point I can work a job I hate even more. What a challenge this "being an adult" thing is...


  1. You have such a hilarious way of telling the honest truth. **hugs**...

  2. dude I hear that. I'm totally in denial about being an adult - besides the parenting/running the house thing. One day I think I'm a supermom and maybe that's the 'career' choice that has eluded me all these years then the next I can't wait to get on the train and feel important in my suit. Then the next day even I can't even fathom how people work more than one day a week and I'm back to square one.

    Would you really be relegated to wiping bottoms forever though? Isn't it just sort of a rite of passage until you can kind of branch off into a field that you like more?

  3. Whoops-guess I should have said something too-but nobody stopped me from marrying douche bag-you gotta live & learn:)
    All kidding aside-what can you do with the Masters in Public Health? You'll find your niche.
