This weekend has been one of those feels-like-you're-doing-exactly-what-you're-supposed-to kind of weekends. Every moment has been awash in smile-inducing endorphins, and I've felt like every second's sole purpose was to tell me "I told you so"... and I've been at peace. When a person makes the decision to completely change directions (especially away from one that pays money for hours worked and instead moves towards one that reimburses in hugs, kisses, and hieney wipes) there's a certain amount of anxiety that is innate. When those moments of calm and relaxation come (particularly at times that would normally be stress-inducing like shopping or when in the car for longer than an hour a day...both of which described yesterday), you can't help but feel at ease with your decision, and grateful for those that encouraged you to make the change. Today was definitely a rare stay-at-home-mommy-while-pregnant-with-twins zen day!

What did we do today? Well, we started off the day with a trip to Ithaca to buy veggies from my favorite off-season vegetable marketplace, Eddydale's. We then went to one of my favorite consignment shops, Mama Goose, to check out a twin portable crib, which we didn't end up buying. We did, however, find a great tray for Lucia for our living room picnics, as well as one of two Bumbo's we'll be purchasing. Off to lunch, where we did something very un-Hilary. For those of you that know me on a more personal level, you all know that I'm not a huge fan of restaurants. We don't do "fast food" or "food chains", although I'm comfortable with Panera because they buy local when possible and purchase produce the rest of the year from something other than the Sysco truck. (As a general rule, I put nothing in or on my body that is purchased from the back of a truck...a good rule that I believe all should abide by). However, the hubbs had a gift card to Five Guys, and since we had just spent money on groceries and twin items, the use of a gift card seemed like a good financial decision, even if I felt like we were about to sell our souls to the marketing devils. As we pulled into the parking spot and got the girls out of the car, every ounce of me knew I was making a decision that I would carry with me for a long time, literally and figuratively! We ordered bacon cheeseburgers for mom and dad and grilled cheese for the girls (my girls aren't big burger eaters...this was not me being an overbearing mom not letting my children experience all the disgusting and overindulgent aspects of commercial life. I promise!), and of course both cajun and regular fries (if you're going to do it big right?!?). Holy. Crap. I've never enjoyed abusing my internal organs or ignoring my morals and principles more than I did while eating those two giant, fried, non-local, non-grass-fed, non-sustainably-raised burgers smothered in pesticide-infused sauteed mushrooms, onions, and out-of-season lettuce and tomato, dripping with high-fructose-corn-syrup-heavy ketchup and mustard. And the thick-cut pickles...oh the pickles! I didn't even care that the potatoes were lined up along the lines of people waiting to order their early deaths on a fantastically buttered roll (for all to touch and breathe on) or that the healthiest thing I ate during that lunch was mustard. It was amazing. The fries were incredible. We had so many left over that I cooked them to go with our pork tenderloin for dinner. This morning, I'll confess my intestines are questioning my decisions, but I maintain that the decision to eat sin friend in it's own fat was a good one.

(That's the actual meal I ate yesterday! And yes...I managed to push the twins out of the way long enough to fit the WHOLE thing in my stomach!!)
Today we pick out the paint for the twins' room. We're getting my favorite color of all time; Tigger's Tummy. It's a fantastic yellow that just makes you feel like the sun lent you a little of it's brightness to share with your walls. The girls are excited to help us paint. I then need to get down and dirty with my sewing machine to do curtains. I have fabric for two rooms, in addition to the twins', that I've been putting off for some unknown reason.'s definitely a stay-at-home-mom kind of weekend! The rain and chill in the air can really work their powers to encourage a mom to get going on around-the-house projects!
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