Sunday, April 15, 2012

Where to begin...

I've been contemplating, these last few days, how to reintroduce myself on my blog. SO much has happened in the past few years. Babies were born...both mine and others and I was able to be a part of them all. Another degree was accomplished. Fantastic new jobs were eagerly anticipated and excitedly started. New people were met. Memories were shared and become a part of while others were sadly experienced and mourned. Friends were met and others were waved on. Arguments were made, debates were, well, debated, and lessons were learned. Tears were cried; both happy and sad. A lot of tears were cried. Babies were conceived and grown, along with bellies and thighs and breasts. Decisions were made and life was changed. I guess the best thing to do is just pick up with today and share, when possible, the experiences of yesterday. Welcome back. I hope this is as fun for you all as it is for me.


  1. Ohmygosh ohmygosh I was JUST thinking the other day that I wished you would blog again! As one of the friends who was waved on, I desperately want to hear more of the adventures from 14 Maple! Love you miss you!

  2. Thanks! There certainly are a lot of adventures right now! I miss you and love you back!
